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How to Cut a Kurti: 2/3 The Sleeves

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In this video you will learn how to cut the sleeves for a Kurti.

Remember to watch the previous video to learn how to cut the back and front pieces for a Kurti.

Start by taking a sheet of fabric and folding it in half along its width.

Now, fold it once more, such that it creates four layers that are as wide as the folded pattern.

Align the fold of the fabric with the fold of the pattern.

Make sure that the length of your fabric is sufficient for the sleeves.

Mark a series of points half an inch away, along the armhole seam.

Draw a line connecting these points to mark a seam allowance.

Pin the pattern to the fabric at the points shown.

Proceed to draw an outline of the pattern on the surface of the fabric.

Once this is done, cut the fabric along the outline of the pattern.

Remove the excess fabric.

Now, fold the layers of fabric and cut a notch marking the seam allowance at the armhole, as shown here.

Cut a second notch to mark the seam allowance along the arm.

Make a final notch at the top corner of the fabric along the fold.

Unpin the pattern and unfold the fabric.

Place the pattern on top of it.

Trace the armhole of the pattern, as shown, along the half of the fabric that is sticking out from below the pattern.

Cut the fabric along the marked outline.

Open the layers of fabric and the pattern to ensure that they share the same dimensions.

You have now learned how to cut the fabric required for the sleeves of a Kurti.

Don’t forget to watch the next video to learn how to prepare interfacing for the neckline of a Kurti.


Vidéo suivante

Sikana - How to Cut a Kurti: 3/3  The Neckline Interfacing
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