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How to Get off a Bike

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Learn how to properly get off your bike.

Here's a video for newcomers to cycling who want to learn the basics

MELLOWER "Searching My Name" Published by Alter K

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In this video you will learn how to dismount from your bike.

The three main methods are: the leaning method, the top-tube method and the New York-style/ high-style dismount Method 1: Stop pedalling and squeeze the brakes.

Look ahead at where you would like to stop.

Lean the bike to the left.

Plant the left foot firmly on the ground and Swing the right leg over the rear wheel and place the foot on the ground.

Method 2: Look ahead at where you would like to stop.

Squeeze both brakes slowly and stop pedalling.

Slide forward from the saddle and sit on the top tube and place your left foot on the ground.

Tilt the bike to the left and swing your right leg over the saddle.

Avoid stopping while you are in a turn as the bike could skid if you brake.

Keep a slight lean keeping your chest towards the front and put some pressure on the handlebars.

Swing the right leg back over the rear wheel so that your entire body is on the left side of the bike as it rolls forward You can now hop off the left pedal and walk with the bike Enjoy your ride! .


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Sikana - How to Brake on a Bike
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