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How to Prepare for a Nuclear Accident

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Learn the advice to be followed before, during and after a radiation or nuclear accident.

This video is part of our series on Major Disasters, made with the Red Cross/Red Crescent.

If you live in a high-risk industrial area, it's important that you know what to do in case of an accident. This short video will show you how to prepare yourself and your home.


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This video was produced in partnership with:

In this video, you will learn the necessary steps in case of a radioactive or nuclear risk.

If you live in an industrial zone at risk, speak to local authorities about procedures to take in case of an accident.

Carry a first aid kid, and a disaster kit.

Regularly check the validity of your radio's batteries.

If you hear an alarm siren or explosion, lock yourself in the nearest building,

Do not stay outside or in a vehicle.

Listen to the radio for advice to follow, and go outside only when allowed by authorities.

Block off any possible air inlets(doors,windows, ventilation or chimney)

Stop all ventilation to prevent toxic substances from entering your location.

Do not smoke or create any flames or sparks in order to avoid all risks of explosion.

Do not eat

Do not go to areas where the accident occurred.

Wash yourself, and, if possible, change clothes(if you think you've been contaminated)

If you have children at school, do not search for them;schools already have safety instructions.

Do not send phone calls, to not obstruct emergency service lines.

Wait for instructions by authorities announced by radio or telephone to evacuate.

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