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Emergency Disaster Kit

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Discover how to assemble an emergency disaster kit so that you're always prepared in the event of a problem.

Check out the rest of our Major Disasters video to find out how to use your kit in the event of an emergency.

This simple tutorial video will help you to assemble a practical emergency disaster kit that will keep you safe in case of emergency.


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This video was created in partnership with

Natural Disasters: Emergency disaster kit

In this video, you will learn how to prepare your own emergency kit specifically designed for use in a disaster.

This disaster kit will provide a family of four with 48 hours’ autonomy, until help arrives.

You should include the following items so that you can signal for help:


an SOS sign made by you for this purpose;

light sticks that can provide illumination for 6 to 12 h and be used to signal for help in the dark;

a whistle to call for help with a sound that carries further than your voice;

a flashlight, preferably crank-powered, so that you don’t have to rely on a single source of energy.

You should include the following items for illumination:


a lighter and/or waterproof matches, which you can also use to light a fire;


You should include the following items for hydration and nutrition:

A Supply of six litre-bottles of drinking water.

An empty one-litre flask for use as a container to purify non-potable water with water purification tablets.

If water is in short supply, drink small amounts.


Remember that you can survive for several days on less than half a litre a day.

Supply of non-perishable food, such as canned goods.

If you have no water, it is advisable not to eat, as this could increase dehydration!

A container with 8 litres of water for drinking and basic hygiene purposes.

Lastly, add the following items:

a box-cutter to cut wire, cardboard, etc.;

a Swiss army knife;

a waterproof pouch for essential documents, such as ID papers, insurance policies, medical prescriptions, etc., and some money;

work gloves to clear objects without hurting yourself;

bin bags for rubbish and bodily waste;

a survival blanket;

a notebook and pen to write down important information;

a radio to listen for instructions issued by the authorities;

a hygiene kit containing toilet paper and disinfectant wipes.

Don’t forget a first aid kit, which should contain:

- items required to treat an injured person;

- any specific medication required by each member of the household.


Next video

Sikana - Prepare a Family Emergency Plan
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