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First Aid: Alerting the Emergency Services

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Learn how to alert the emergency services in the event of an emergency.
Red Cross/Red Crescent --Learn how to prepare a family emergency plan for a major disaster.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the largest humanitarian network of volunteers in the world. Each year, with its 189 national society members all over the world, it works to help 97 million people without making distinctions based on race, gender, religious belief, social class or political opinion. Following the agreement signed with the IFRC, since December 2012, the French Red Cross has managed the World Reference Centre for Disaster Response, whose main objective is to serve as a centre of technical expertise for the IFRC and support the national members in any aspect relating to disaster response. It is thanks to its commitment, alongside that of SIKANA Education, that this outreach programme has been put together. These videos do not replace basic first aid (PSC1): Founded in 2014, SIKANA Health is one of 12 programmes created by the NGO SIKANA. It works to distribute knowledge, allowing people to acquire positive life skills. -- From healthy eating to music, respecting nature, improving one's home and learning a sport, our various programmes aim to encourage a healthy, simple life. To find out more about our programmes, visit: To help us translate and distribute our videos all over the world, visit:

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Alerting the Emergency Services

In this video, you will learn how to properly alert the emergency services.

If you witness an incident:-Do a quick analysis of the situation and the state of the people.

It is best if you can get another witness to call the emergency services.

This will allow you to start giving first aid.

Provide the emergency services with complete information.

Be particularly careful to answer the emergency team's questions and provide the following information:



Your telephone number or the number for the nearest public phone


The exact location of the incident


• The nature of the incident and any additional impending risks


• The number of people affected


• The apparent state of the people affected


• Any first aid that has been given

Do not hang up until the emergency services have confirmed that they have the required information.

Do not hesitate to send someone to help lead the emergency team to the site.

In the event of a large-scale disaster, only call the emergency services if you are in imminent danger or you think you are a first-hand witness of the situation with valuable information. Otherwise you risk blocking the emergency telephone lines.

In all cases, follow the instructions of local authorities.


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Sikana - Prepare your Home for a Major Disaster
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