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Painting with a Sprayer: Technique

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In this video, you will learn how to use a paint sprayer safely and accurately to refurbish your old furniture

Not sure how to clean your paint sprayer when you've finished with it? Take a look at the next video in our Furniture Restoration program to find out!

Watch this video to learn the correct technique for using a paint sprayer in your furniture restoration project to stay safe and get the best coverage.


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In this video, you will learn how to use a paint sprayer.

We recommend that you watch our previous video, Painting with a Sprayer: Preparation, before you approach this step.

For your safety, you will need:

Disposable overalls,

Protective gloves,

A protective mask,

And protective glasses.

There are two stages to this process, which we will explain to you.

STEP 1: Adjusting the paint sprayer

You can adjust the air pressure, the amount of paint released, and the size and direction of the spray.

Use a pressure setting of 3 for all furniture work.

The setting controlling the amount of paint released, can be adjusted by loosening or tightening the screw on the trigger.

If there are areas where the coverage is thin, the paint load is insufficient, loosen the screw by several twists.

If there are drips, this means that the paint load is too heavy, tighten the screw by several twists.

You should aim for an even coverage of paint spray on the test card.

The size and direction of the spray can be adjusted via the dial on the spray tip.

The spray will be horizontal and wide if the dial is in a vertical position.

The spray will be vertical and wide if the dial is in a horizontal position.

Horizontal and vertical sprays are used for flat surfaces such as trays or doors.

The spray will become more rounded if the dial is in a diagonal position.

Rounded sprays are used for narrow areas such as chair legs.

STEP 2: Using a Paint Sprayer

First of all, turn your piece of furniture upside down to paint the under sites first, then the top parts afterwards.

Turn the draw tube in the same direction as the sprayer so that it stays immersed in the paint for as long as possible.

Always start and finish spraying beyond surface you are working on.

Hold the sprayer around 30cm from the surface.

Keep the sprayer perpendicular to the surface.

Make sure your arm is moving at a steady speed.

Move the sprayer slowly

Remember to apply layers of paint using the cross coat technique.

To do this, turn the dial to a horizontal position and spray paint in the direction of the width.

Once the surface is covered,

Turn the dial to the vertical position for a horizontal spray.

Next, spray paint lengthways on the surface.

For furniture legs,

Spray up and down, with the dial in a diagonal position.

Once you've finished, leave your furniture to dry at room temperature, or according to the paint manufacturer's guidelines.

In this example, we leave 12 hours' drying time.

For a more intense colour, you could apply a second coat of paint using the same method.

Once you've finished with the equipment, clean it straight away.

For more information on this, watch our video on cleaning paint sprayers.

Now you know how to paint furniture with a paint sprayer.


Next video

Sikana - How to Clean an Electric Paint Sprayer
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