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Running Uphill

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In this video, you will learn some hints and tips for running uphill to build your muscles and improve stamina.

Now you've learnt how to run uphill, it's time to discover how to run downhill!

Running uphill is very physically demanding- take a look at this short video to discover some helpful advice for reaching the top!


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Running uphill is physically demanding, but mastering the technique will help you build up your muscles and improve your stamina.

In this video, you will learn to improve your posture and make your stride more efficient on a slope.

We will look at the technique for running uphill, then a training example.

First, the uphill running technique.

Gently tilt your chest and your shoulders forwards, making sure that you don't bend too much.

This position will help you to breathe properly by opening up your chest cavity.

Reduce the length of your strides.

Increase the rate of your arm movements to relieve some of the strain on your legs.

You can put your feet flat on the ground if the slope is not too steep.

If the hill becomes too steep, run on your toes and reduce the duration of your run.

Secondly, here is a training example.

Find a medium or slightly steep slope.

Go up the slope for 30 seconds at a comfortable pace, or 60% of your maximal aerobic speed.

Alternate with 1 minute 30 of gentle downhill jogging to recover.

Repeat this exercise 6 times alternating the running and recovery phases.

Then alternate one minute of uphill running with 3 minutes of downhill recovery, 6 times.

This exercise helps to strengthen your quadriceps, and helps you work on your uphill posture.

Now you know how to improve your posture and make your stride more efficient when running uphill. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Downhill Running
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