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Juggling: behind the back

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They contributed
Maija Wallace - Sikana
Maija Wallace
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When juggling, there are many different ways you can toss and catch a ball.

For example, the ball can also be tossed behind the back and over the arm,

under the leg,

behind the neck,

and behind the head (just to name a few).

Here, we will juggle three balls.

To juggle behind the back, begin by tossing the ball behind your back: First left. Then right.

Next, practice tossing two balls behind your back. One, two. Right, left. Left, right.

Once you’ve got the hang of it, try tossing three: One, two, three.

The same principle can be applied in reverse: Left. Right, left. Right, left.

You can also try juggling while turning in circles.


Next video

Sikana - Juggling: vertical toss, box, and waterfall
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