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How to Backpack in the Rain

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Learn how to protect you feet and keep them dry from water whilst hiking.

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Wet feet can meet blisters which can really ruin your hike. Be prepared to avoid this problem!

the World -
Voice-over by Dominic di Rollo

Thank you to Roads and Journeys for sharing our videos! Learn more about them here:

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Aisling Flynn - Sikana
Aisling Flynn
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In this video, you will learn how to protect your feet from the rain. Preventing your feet from getting wet will ensure that you avoid getting blisters and that you get more enjoyment from your hike.

The two main issues with regards to moisture are: non waterproof boots and water leaking into the boots. Therefore you have to find a way of increasing water resistance and preventing water from leaking in.

First of all, increase water resistance. If you don't have waterproof boots and socks, you can protect your feet with two plastic bags.

Line the inside of your shoes with two small plastic bags. Put on your shoes and tie the laces as you would normally.

This works if it's just a rain shower but doesn't work so well if the rain is constant as your feet will begin to sweat quite quickly.

The next step is to avoid leaks. Waterproof shoes and socks are of no use if water leaks into your shoes.

To avoid leaks, wear waterproof trousers and pull them down over your shoes.

You can also use waterproof leggings, which cover the bottom of the leg and the top of the shoe. The water will run off the end of the fabric instead of leaking into the shoe.

To avoid moisture altogether, here's a tip: bring a pair of sandals that you can walk in (not flip flops).

Your feet can breathe and dry out whilst walking in sandals!

If you follow these tips, your feet will stay dry which is crucial for hiking.

Enjoy your hike!

Don't forget to bring a change of socks with you, even for short hikes, you won't regret it.


Next video

Sikana - How to Protect your Backpack from the Rain
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