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How to Jump in Water

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This video shows how to jump in water.

It completes the initial stages of learning how to be comfortable in the water. Try it out, it's fun!

"Carefree - Gilles B -
Coconut water - Gilles B -"

They contributed
CKleszcz - Sikana
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In this video, you will learn how to jump in the water. To overcome your fear of water, you will need to trust your body to naturally float back to the surface.

You'll need a foam float or a similar floating object.

Just to be safe, we advise you to do this exercise with someone who knows how to swim.

We'll divide the jump in the water in 3 steps: jumping when seated on the edge of the pool, jumping with a foam floater and jumping without any floating aid.

First of all, jumping when seated on the edge. It's better to try this exercise in a shallow pool, where water is up to your chest

Sit on the edge, your feet in the water. Breathe deeply and lower your head. Join your hands in front of you and launch your torso forward.

Bend your knees when your enter the water, and keep your head forward to avoid hitting the edge. You'll will float back to the surface effortlessly without needing to touch the floor.

Next, jumping with a foam floater. Go to a deeper pool and do the same with a foam floater across your chest and under your armpits.

You'll come back up even faster than without a floating aid.

Whenever you're ready, try standing on the edge of the pool with the foam floater, and jump forward, about 1m, keeping the foam floater right against you.

At last, jumping without a floating aid. Whenever you feel confortable with the previous exercises, you are ready to jump without any floating aid.

Set up on the edge of the pool and jump forward, about 1m, bending your knees. You will float back to the surface effortlessly!

To approach jumping in the water, it's best to start from a seated position in a shallow pool, then try jumping with a foam floater in a deeper pool, and at last without any floating aid. Try it for yourself!


Next video

Sikana - Treading Water
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