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Soccer Drills: How to Dribble

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In this video you'll learn great tips on how to be a better dribbler of the ball

This video is great for indvidual improvement and can also be used as a learning resource for a football coach

Benjamin Tordjmann

They contributed
Aisling Flynn - Sikana
Aisling Flynn
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In this video, you will learn how to improve your dribbling technique.

In game play, improving your dribbling technique reduces the chances of your defenders from intercepting the ball.

In this video we will show you 4 exercises of increasing levels of difficulty which will improve your ball contact.

First of all, stand in front of the ball.

Place one foot on the ball whilst keeping the other on the ground.

Jump, swapping the foot that's on the ball for the foot that's on the ground and vice versa.

Gradually do this faster

Secondly, spread your legs and pass the ball from one foot to the other with the inside of your foot whilst jumping but without moving around the pitch.

Thirdly, push the ball forwards with the inside of the foot and bring it back towards you with the sole of the other foot.

Then do this again swapping the feet around. Fourthly, pass the ball from one foot to the other with the sole of the foot and gradually speed it up.

During these exercises, try to keep the ball as close to your feet as possible.

Your technique can only get better!

Now you know how to improve your dribbling technique!

This video was produced in partnership with..


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Sikana - Soccer Drills: How to Head a Soccer Ball
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