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Goalkeeper: How to Save the Ball

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Learn how to make a goal-saving stop as a goalkeep in this football video

This video is for any budding goalkeepers wanting to learn a few useful tips before playing

Benjamin Tordjmann

They contributed
Marie Bouchet - Sikana
Marie Bouchet
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In this video, you are going to learn how to stop and catch the ball as a goalkeeps

making a saving enables the goalkeeper to secure the ball when a player of the opposition shoots at their goal

There are a lot of methods to stop a ball depending on the precision and the strenght of the shot.

In this video, we are going to show you how to stop and catch a ball that is kicked towards the goalkeeper, not requiring the goalkeeper to dive.

To stop and catch the ball, position yourself a meter away from the goal line, facing the football pitch.

Bend your legs, spread your arms away from your body, pointing your elbows downwards.

Watch the ball, and position your hands by turning your fingers upwards and spreading them out.

Make sure your thumbs and your index fingers are touching, and forming a triangle.

As the ball approaches let it come into contact with your hands approximatly 40 centimeters in front of you, whilst remaining strongly anchored to the ground.

Once you have stopped it the ball secure it with both hands.

If you are not placed directly in the ball's path, sidestep horizontally so that you are.

This will allow you to always see the ball and to always be facing it.

Now, you know how to stop and catch a ball!

This video was made in partnership with


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Sikana - Goalkeeper: How to Throw the Ball
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