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Building a Basic First Aid Kit

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Learn about the essential items to include in your first aid kit to go in your backpack

This video is part of a full hiking program which you can find on our website as well as this channel

Follow on to the next video to learn how to best organise your hike

the World -
Voice-over by Dominic di Rollo

Thank you to Roads and Journeys for sharing our videos! Learn more about them here:

They contributed
Aisling Flynn - Sikana
Aisling Flynn
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In this video, you will learn how to prepare your first aid kit for your hike. You will then be equipped with the basic neccessities for minor injuries.

The type of first aid kit we will show you is basic and is meant to treat the most frequent and likely problems.

Prepare it according to your own personal health needs, your preferences and experience. It should be suitable for the conditions of the trail.

First and foremost, your first aid kit needs to include the essentials for treating a wound:

- disinfectant

- various sized plasters

- sterile compress

- a bandage

- a small pair of scissors

Also bring something to remove splinters and ticks:

- tweezers

- a needle

- matches or a lighter to disinfect the needle

Lastly, don't forget to include a survival blanket and any personal medication. Always keep a note of the emergency contact number for the area you are going to.

When you are putting together your first aid kit, remember that it is better to have a small number of things which you know how to use rather than a large number of things that you don't know what to do with.

If you are buying a ready made kit, do yourself a favour and open it to check the contents before you set off; adapt it to suit your needs.

Now its your turn!


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Sikana - How to Backpack in the Rain
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