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Improving Your Balance: Standing on One Leg

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In this video, learn to improve your balance and your ankle strength with this simple exercise standing on one leg

For more balance exercises, check out the other videos coming up next in the program

Working on your balance is important for your core strength as well as for your safety. Practice this exercise yourself to improve your balance standing on one leg by following the simple instructions in this tutorial

Voice-over by volunteer Lizzie Da Costa

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KatharineRuff - Sikana
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In this video, you'll learn how to do an exercise to improve your balance. Please consult your doctor before attempting this exercise

The aim of this exercise is to improve the stability of your ankles, which is vital for keeping your balance and preventing falls

To do this exercise, you'll need a wall, a chair, or anything that you can use to hold onto for support if you lose your balance

This exercise can be divided into two steps: the position, and the movement

Firstly, getting into position

Position yourself with your back against the wall. We recommend bare feet for better grip

Your feet should be shoulder-width apart

Stretch out your spine by making yourself as tall as possible

Raise the back of your head as high as you can, whilst keeping your chin tucked in and looking straight ahead

To keep yourself from arching your back, tense your abdominal muscles and buttocks

Secondly, the movement itself

Breathe in deeply, then, as you breathe out, raise one of your legs in front of you, keeping your knee no higher than your hip

Try to keep your balance for ten seconds standing on only one leg

Only use the wall for support if you lose your balance

Then, gently release

Do three sets of ten seconds on the same leg, resting for ten seconds after each one

Keep your breathing regular and deep

For better balance, keep your gaze fixed on an faraway, unmoving point and don't forget to keep your abdominal muscles and buttocks tensed

Then, repeat with your other leg

To raise the level of difficulty, you can try the same exercise with your eyes shut

By combining exercises to improve your balance with muscle-strengthening and flexibility exercises, you'll improve both your posture and balance

Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Pair Exercises for Better Balance: Tip-Toes
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