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How to Hold the Panhandle Grip | Badminton

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You will learn how to hold the panhandle grip with this short tutorial video.

This lesson is part of a series of four videos on the grips: neutral, forehand, backhand and panhandle.
This video is designed for beginners who want to learn the basics of badminton.

New to badminton? Help is at hand! Follow the simple instructions in this tutorial video to learn how to hold the panhandle grip

Music :
Benjamin Tordjmann

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In this video you will learn how to hold the panhandle grip. The grip is known as panhandle as it is similar to holding a frying pan.

The panhandle grip is used specifically for the forehand net kill. It allows you to negotiate the shuttle when it is a little above and very close to the net.

Place your racket flat on the ground. Pick it up without turning the handle. Wrap your fingers around the racket.

To switch from the neutral grip to the panhandle grip, rotate the racket to the left if you are right-handed.

There should be a 'V' between the thumb and the index finger. There should also be a gap between the index and the middle finger and the palm should be flat on the front of the racket.

Your grip should be relaxed and tightened only on impact.

Practice your net kill until you are comfortable with the panhandle grip. Do check out our video on the net kill.

Enjoy your game!


Next video

Sikana - How to Hit an Underhand Forehand Clear
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