Contribute to our program on women entrepreneurs in Africa : video editing or illustration

The project
In Sub-Saharan Africa women's efforts are not recognized as most of them work in the informal sector (housework and labour)

The success of women entrepreneurs in the formal sector encouraged the governments in Sub-Saharan Africa to invest in training and empowering them.

With the support of the Orange Foundation and its program 'Digital Houses' and in partnership with the NGO Women World Wide Web and the Ivorian training firm Lola Wise, we are developing the program 'African women empowerment'.

Contribute or help us design the program!
Our requirements

Check out the available opportunities

Video editor

20 days
between September and October 2018

The aim is to edit Lola's lesson in French or English. Each lesson will be roughly 20 minutes and illustrated by footage and photos shot in Ivory Coast.


6 days
between September and October 2018

The aim is to do illustrations to simplify complex concepts. We are looking for a person with expertise in this domain.

If you are inspired by this cause and are willing to devote time, get in touch with Adrien

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