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Filet De Ramassage

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Learn how to easily gather up those delicious fruits!

Thank you to Sikana Volunteer Helen Moss for her translation efforts on this one.

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They contributed
Helen Moss - Sikana
Helen Moss
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In this lesson, we will learn how to use a harvesting net.

The harvesting net is made from very resistant fine mesh. It allows quick and efficient harvesting of fruit from trees.

To use the harvesting net, the equipment we will need is: a harvesting net, scissors, and clips.

Harvesting net



Step 1: Once the fruit is ripe, unfold the net and spread it over the ground.

Step 2: Cut it down so its width covers the whole area below the tree's branches.

Step 3: Make a slit from the edge to the center of the net, so that the trunk can be positioned in the middle of the net.

Step 4: Close the slit with the clips, so that no fruit is lost.

Now you just need to wait for the fruit to fall into the net.

Remember to empty the net regularly, so that any rotten fruit does not contaminate other fruits. In order to do this, remove the clips and fold the four corners towards the center of the net.

A harvesting net can be used for most fruit trees.


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Sikana - How to process grains
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