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How to Use a Mortar Pan

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This video will teach you how to use a mortar pan.

This lesson is intended to instruct novices looking for a practical understanding of masonry.

Music Dan-O at /

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In this video you will learn how to use a Mortar Pan.

A mortar pan is a vessel made of steel or rigid plastic used to hold or carry sand, cement, mortar and concrete.

To use a mortar pan, fill it with a quantity of material that you are comfortable with carrying.

Lift the Mortar Pan with a straight posture to avoid injury to your back.

Hold it close to your body and straighten yourself to lift.

When applying mortar, place the Mortar Pan near the area of application to make your work easier.

You have now learned to use a Mortar Pan.


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Sikana - How to Use a Mortar Hoe
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