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How to Use a Chisel

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This short tutorial will teach you how to use a chisel in masonry.

This video is meant for those on the threshold of joining the construction industry.

Music Dan-O at /

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In this video you will learn how to use a Chisel.

The Mason’s Chisel and Hammer are used to flatten the uneven sections of a wall by chipping away extra bits of dry mortar and protruding bricks.

Remember to wear your safety glasses, safety gloves and a safety mask.

To use a Chisel, hold its handle with the blade facing down and pick up the hammer with your free hand. Grasp both instruments firmly.

Position the chisel at a close angle with the surface of the wall and strike its head with the hammer.

To chisel away the protruding sections of a brick that extend beyond its line, work in thin layers and eliminate slowly so that you do not break away more than what is required.

When chiseling away surplus deposits of dry mortar, do not break away the mortar beds and perpends.

Once you have finished chiseling the wall, sweep the dust off the floor and maintain a clean working space.

You have now learned to use a Chisel.


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Sikana - How to Use a Shovel
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