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How to Dismantle a Wooden Pallet pt. 2

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Learn how to dismantle a non-EUR EPAL wooden pallet

Don't forget to check out our video on dismantling standard EUR EPAL pallets too!

If you're using different types of pallet for your upcycling projects, you'll need to be careful when dismantling them to make sure you don't split the wood. Find out how to do this with this short tutorial video.

"Orange Blossom Honey" by Lawrence Blatt

They contributed
Lauren Moore - Sikana
Lauren Moore
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In this video, you are going to learn how to dismantle pallets.

In the first part of this tutorial, we have dismantled EUR EPAL pallets which use solid wood. However, the proposed technique will not work for all types.

Many non-branded pallets are more fragile and have a tendency to split whilst being dismantled.

Let's see how to avoid this.

You will need: Work Gloves, Safety Goggles, a Crowbar and a Sledgehammer

Place the pallet against a wall or a ledge

Insert the crowbar between a slat and the sleeper

Ever so slightly lever the slat upwards.

You will hear a creaking noise which means that the nail has moved

Then hit the slat to move it back down.

The nail head should be visible by a few millimetres.

Now use the crowbar to remove it.

Continue doing the same for the rest of the pallet.

Be careful not to try to lift the plank too high when you are levering it upwards.

This could crack the wood.

Just 2 or 3 millimetres will be sufficient to be able to get the crowbar between the nail head and the slat.

You can now use the planks for your very own decorative projects.


Next video

Sikana - How to Dismantle a Wooden Crate
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