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Pizza dough

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You will need :
10 fl oz of warm water
Half a teaspon of sugar
2 teaspoons of salt
500g of flour
2 tablespoons of olive oil
10g of yeast


They contributed
eloisemayscott - Sikana
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To make pizza dough you will need:

- 30 cl of lukewarm water

- 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar

- 2 teaspoons of salt

- 500 grams of flour

- 2 tablespoons of olive oil

- and 10 grams of yeast

To make the dough, add the warm water, the sugar and the yeast.

mix them together.

Wait a few moments, it is important that the water is lukewarm.

Then add the olive oil to the mix.

Next, add half of the flour

followed by the salt.

Mix together.

Once you have mixed these together, add the other half of the flour.

Start off mixing with the aid of spatula, then use your hands to mix it - like this.

Knead the mixture for a few minutes, repeating this action until the dough has a uniform texture.

With this, you can make between 4 and 8 pizzas.

If you don't want to use all the dough, you can cut it into smaller portions and keep it in the freezer

Cover the bowl with cling film.

Let the dough rest for at least an hour at room temperature. It will increase in size.

You can leave the dough in the fridge overnight. Take it out 1 hour before you want to use it.


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