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How to cut an eggplant

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You will need :
An eggplant (aubergine)

They contributed
pamacabu - Sikana
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After washing the eggplant, cut off the stem end.

You can then cut the eggplant into thick or thin slices, cutting at a very slight angle.


Cut evenly.

Then, stack up the slices and cut them into quarters.


To cut the eggplant into sticks or cubes, cut off the base as well as the top, then hold the eggplant firmly and cut evenly into thick or thin slices.

Sticks or cubes

Stack the slices and cut them evenly into sticks.

To make cubes, stack the sticks and cut evenly again.

Eggplant cubes are perfect for a "ratatouille!"


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Sikana - How to mince an onion
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